Thursday, March 5, 2009

Saving It Up for Next Year

This morning at physical therapy, we made the tough decision that I shouldn't run Boston this year. After a month of PT, not running, killer bike workouts, lifting till I can hardly walk, etc (I should have done a series of posts on maybe?), my knee has gotten better but my foot just won't heal. Sooooo, this means another month of little running, PT, cross-training, lifting, etc. While I may not be running up Heartbreak Hill on April 20th, I WILL be fully healthy, happy, and ready to start training for my next race by that time.

A lifetime of running is more important than a single race, and though it can be hard to remember that sometimes, it's always the truth.


  1. D, I'm so sorry to hear about this! I know you were looking forward to it, but, you're right, in the long run, taking time to nurse those joints back to health will win. Good luck with the continued PT.

  2. Thanks, Mils! I just saw this comment today, so sorry for the late response!
