Monday, March 2, 2009


Anyone out there a freelance writer? Want to share some tips with this newbie? Last night I bought three books that are aimed at jump-starting my writing/journalism career (look out Samantha Brown, I'm coming for you but with an eco-twist)..."The Writer's Market 2009," "The Well-Fed Writer," and "Starting Your Career As A Freelance Writer." Yep, I'm taking steps beyond blogging to really get this started. Since I'm obviously not ready to quit my job and go knocking on Cox Communication's door, this is my first step towards gaining some street cred and getting some experience with the written word. My initial thoughts are to write about sports and travel from an environmental perspective (when applicable), but that could change as the process progresses. We'll see what happens.

Another exciting thing that I have going on is that I'm going to start writing/producing/reporting for the Stealth Lacrosse Insider TV show on NBC. They were looking to add some estrogen to the mix, and I showed them my BJITW video (it helped that Eric's on the team, obvs) thing I knew, I was doing my first two interviews at the February 21st game (superfan Pablo Sanchez and superstar Paul Rabil). My favorite moment from the whole day was while standing around with the NBC crew (of two people) and the camera guy asks "So, how much TV experience do you have?" I look at him, smile, and hold up my hand in a big "ZERO." We all laugh and then head out onto the turf. I'm not going to pretend that I'm not SUPER lucky to land this opportunity, so I'm going to do my best to kick some ace with it! Bay Areaians sure to Tivo NBC at 3pm on March 7th!!! (though I'm not sure I'll have a huge presence in that particular episode)

So that post was all about me, but I had to let y'all know what was up, right?

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