Friday, February 20, 2009

The End is Near!

I mean, the end is near in a good way.  With only 48 or so hours left in the Island Caretaker application window, people are flipping out trying to get their videos in and/or speculating who is going to make the Top 50.  It's pretty funny, actually.  It sounds like people all over the world have very different ideas about the skills the the island caretaker should possess. Personally, I try to pretend like I own a tropical island (or a resort on a tropical island) and then I think about who I would want to promote MY island/resort through blogging, pictures, and a video diary. Though I totally agree that there are some super cool videos with amazing special effects or very polished and/or qualified candidates, I'd personally go for someone who speaks clearly, entertainingly (even if I'm not dying laughing), and engagingly to the camera.  You know, someone that you enjoy watching when it's just them on the screen...but that's just me.  My choice for caretaker also assumes that everyone who has applied is outdoorsy and adventurous...because they wouldn't want the job if they weren't, right?  

The way I see it this is part PR job and part TV hosting job. Put those two job descriptions together with a bit of adventure/outdoorsy-ness, and there you go!

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